Our Partnerships
ISA has formed strategic partnerships with financial institutions worldwide to support solar
power development projects. This global collaboration ensures that the potential of solar
energy is harnessed, making it more accessible to communities around the world.
Our Objectives
The Affordable Finance at Scale programme is
designed to achieve four primary objectives

Financial Tools
The World Bank, in partnership with the French bilateral agency Agence Francaise de Développement (AFD), launched the Solar Risk Mitigation Initiative (SRMI), which endorses ISA. This initiative aims to reduce public funding and attract private sector investors to solar projects in developing countries.

Large Scale, Low-Cost
Solar Financing
The Export-Import Bank of India (Exim Bank) has allocated USD 1.4 billion for solar projects in ISA Member Countries. Additionally, AFD has committed EUR 700 million. ISA is also in discussions with financial institutions in Australia, the Netherlands, and the UK to support more projects.

Financing for Technical
The Asian Development Bank has provided a USD 2 million grant for technical assistance in solar projects of ISA Member Countries in South Asia

Guidelines for Solar
Project Financing
ISA is committed to providing clear and comprehensive guidelines for solar project financing to ensure transparency and efficiency in the process.
ISA’s Affordable Finance at Scale programme is making a significant impact in the field of renewable energy. Through strategic partnerships and innovative financial tools, ISA is paving the way for a sustainable future powered by solar energy. If you’re interested in supporting or learning more about ISA’s Affordable Finance at Scale programme, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Together, we can make a difference in the world of renewable energy.