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Solar Technology
Application Resource
Centre (STAR-C)

Capacity building and institutional strengthening of developing Member
Countries are priority areas for the International Solar Alliance. Through the
STAR Centre initiative, ISA is building the required human capacity and skills
within Member Countries to undertake energy transition on their own while
also boosting economic growth and job creation. The STAR center initiative
of ISA is in great interest of most of countries for achieving energy needs,
simultaneously meeting the objectives of global climate agreements. It is
directly supportive of and consistent with the global priorities to accelerate
and scale equitable energy transitions in LDCs and SIDs


What is a STAR Centre?

A STAR Centre is a training, knowledge, and expertise hub on solar energy and a go-to place for the member countries at regional and country levels to meet Countries’ capacity-building needs by building capable solar workforces, sensitizing policy makers and financial institutions, incubating enterprises, standardizing products and services, and creating knowledge repository on information/data related to solar energy.



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    Trainee, Somalia

    Participating in the solar energy training program at the STAR Center was very enriching. I gained invaluable knowledge and practical skills in solar mini-grid installations. This training has not only enhanced my career prospects but also ignited a passion for promoting clean energy solutions.

  • The training at the STAR Center has been incredibly rewarding. I've learned so much about the technology and its potential to transform Ethiopia’s energy landscape. The hands-on experience and comprehensive knowledge I've gained have prepared me to build a career in the solar energy domain


    Trainee, Ethiopia


International cooperation is key to the success of ISA initiatives. For the STAR-C initiative, the government of France has seconded a French expert and has provided financial support. Countries like Denmark and philanthropic organisations (GEAPP, CIFF, McArthur Foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies) have recently joined the STAR-C initiative and amplified the impact with the required technical and financial support.

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Training of Technicians at STAR Center in Ethiopia

STAR Centres Operational

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STAR Centres to be Operationalized Soon

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    Cote D’Ivoire

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