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The International Solar Alliance initiated demonstration
projects during its third Standing Committee meeting on
May 27, 2020. These projects are designed to meet the
energy demands of Least Developed Countries (LDCs)
and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) within the ISA.

  • Objectives
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The primary goal is to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of various solar technologies and enhance the capacity of our Member Countries to scale up solar projects in the future.

  • Financial Support
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ISA offers financial support of up to USD 50,000 for innovative solar pilot projects. Eligible countries include all LDCs and SIDS that were ISA members as of May 2020. Projects are implemented through:
Direct Support (Self- implementation)
Implementation by ISA
Co-financing with ISA Partner Organizations

Demonstration Projects

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    Eligible LDCs/SIDS Member

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    Total Proposal Received

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    DPR Finalized

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    Grant Agreements Signed

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    Projct Completed

Solarisation of Health Centers (9)
  • Country Implementation (8)
  • ISA Implementation (1)
Solar Cold Storage (4)
  • Country Implementation (0)
  • ISA Implementation (4)
Solar Water Pumping (10)
  • Country Implementation (5)
  • ISA Implementation (5)
Other Areas (5)
  • Country Implementation (1)
  • ISA Implementation (2)
  1. School Buildings
  2. School Buildings
  3. Streetlights
  4. Parliament Buildings
  5. School Buildings

Completed in 2022


Completed in 2023 & 24