ISA Cares
Recognizing that clean, sustainable energy is critical for healthcare solutions, ISA launched the ISA CARES initiative in 2020 to help power healthcare facilities in Member Countries through solar photovoltaic installations.
The ISA CARES initiative was launched with the objective of providing innovative, robust solar energy solutions for health in low- and middle-income countries through a blended financing model. The initiative's primary objective was to "solarize" at least one Primary Healthcare Centre (PHC) per district in each LDC and SIDS Member Country. Under this initiative, ISA aimed to solarize approximately 1,200 Primary Health Centres (PHCs) across member LDCs and SIDS. The initiative hopes to reduce the cost of individual solar installations by 20-25% through demand aggregation and bulk procurement. ISA has planned to mobilize USD 10 million for the ISA Cares initiative through crowdfunding from individuals, corporate bodies, foundations and countries.
The initiative was planned to be implemented in two phases.
In Phase-I, ISA would provide grant support, help build capacity in Member Countries, and aid in upgrading healthcare facilities in LDCs and SIDS by solarizing hospitals, pharmaceutical units, laboratories, facilities, and any other necessary infrastructure, such as research divisions. The initiative sought to set up a mechanism and streamline the process for the adoption of solar energy by other institutions.
In Phase II, ISA would leverage the learning from Phase-I and proactively support the large-scale adoption of solar energy in ISA Member Countries.

- Grant mobilization and deployment
- Technical Assistance for project implementation

- Support large scale adoption of solar energy
Progress So Far
ISA CARES initiative had planned an implementatian mechanism which included the fallawing steps:
The ISA provided grants to nine Member Countries for solar energy deployment in healthcare. Completed projects include the solarization of health centers in Guyana, Mali, Niger, Comoros, Fiji, Uganda, Burkina Faso, and Mauritius, with Benin nearing completion. These initiatives have enhanced healthcare services, improved working conditions, and reduced carbon emissions.
ISA and ADB conducted a study across South Asia to assess the impact of energy access on healthcare and recommend improvements via modern energy services. The study analyzed secondary data to estimate the solarization potential of Primary Health Centres, focusing on unelectrified centers, those with irregular grid supply, and those with regular grid supply.
ISA is assessing various solarization projects for healthcare buildings. Pre-feasibility studies were completed for hospitals in Chad, Sao Tome and Principe, and Bangladesh, with tender preparations underway. Work has been awarded for similar studies in Fiji, Nigeria, and Guinea. Prospective healthcare buildings in Bhutan and Nepal are being finalized for assessment.
ISA signed an MoU with Health Innovation Exchange (HIEx) for strategic collaboration on solarization in healthcare facilities, aiming to promote sustainable development and address global health challenges through solar solutions.
The ISA's experience from demonstration projects highlights the need for coordination among financial institutions, agencies, and partners. Recognizing different healthcare systems' needs, initial and detailed studies are essential. Programs should support local market development for equipment and maintenance. Long-term system functionality and healthcare facility performance must be monitored post-implementation.