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‘Solar for She’ is a Gender Equity and Social Inclusion
(GESI) initiative of International Solar Alliance (ISA)
that aims to enhance women’s access to energy,
and incomes through solar solutions, thus creating
impact across multiple Sustainable Development
Goals (SDG 5 (gender equality), SDG 7 (energy access),
SDG 13 (climate change) and others, such as SDG 1 (poverty),
SDG 3 (well-being), SDG 4 (Education), SDG 6 (water & sanitation) etc.)


Strategic interventions

The ‘Solar for She’ programme of ISA aims to mainstream and empower
women through strategic interventions in the following areas


Expected impacts

  • enhanced skills and/or sustainable employment opportunities for women

  • increased incomes and savings

  • increased access to electricity leading to co-benefits for the women, household, and communities in terms of - education, health, nutrition, societal status, etc.
