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  • ITEC Training Programme

    The ISA is actively involved in building comprehensive skills and knowledge across the entire solar energy development process. This includes technical experts, researchers, policymakers, regulators, project developers, power utilities, and financial institutions. The goal is to quickly and significantly increase the use of solar energy worldwide.

  • ISA Solar Fellowship

    To make this happen, the ISA systematically identifies training needs and creates customized training plans, case studies, and guidelines. It then identifies key stakeholders and organizes targeted training workshops and webinars. After the training sessions, the ISA engages with stakeholders to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement. This valuable input is used to create monitoring and evaluation reports, ensuring a continuous improvement in the capacity-building process.

  • Training Programme

    Through these strategic steps, the ISA is actively contributing to the development of a skilled and knowledgeable workforce, paving the way for the global adoption of solar power.

  • Regulatory Training

    ISA offers Member States technical assistance to overcome regulatory barriers to solar energy investments. Additionally, ISA strives to understand each country's unique circumstances to design tailored policy and regulatory frameworks for effectively integrating solar energy into their energy mix.