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Solar Finance Database

Training Programs

In order to support the ISA in maintaining an active network with International Financing Institutes and donors, including European IFIs and donors such as EIB, KfW, DEG, GIZ, AFD, Propaco, FMO, a compilation of a database in the form of an excel sheet of EU and other donor funded programmes, projects and tools supporting ISA objectives has been made and presented as "Solar Finance Database"


This compilation of EU and other donor funded programmes, projects and tools was prepared with the financial assistance of the European Commission. The listing of entries is the work of the consultants and is not the work of the European Commission. 

This list is “work-in-progress” and is therefore not exhaustive and is verified as of 31 July 2023.  To offer suggestions or to raise queries relating the content or to add information relating to EU and other donor funded programmes, projects and tools, please write to ISA person concerned @ email.org

  • Program Title
  • Domain
  • Geography of Implementation
  • Financial Instrument
  • Intelligent Energy-Europe
  • Energy
  • European Union
  • Grant
  • 0.73bn
  • My Electricity Programme
  • Energy
  • Poland
  • Subsidy
  • 1 billion PLN extended to Euro 250 Mn
  • InvestEU
  • European Union
  • Guarantee
  • 26.2 bn
  • The connecting Europe Facility
  • European Union
  • Grant
  • € 42.3 bn (out of which €4.6 bn is for energy )
  • Horizon Europe
  • European Union
  • Research Grant
  • € 95.5 bn
  • Just Transition Mechanism
  • European Union
  • € 19.2 bn
  • Recovery and Resilience Facility
  • Energy
  • Spain
  • Grant
  • € 672.4 bn
  • The German EEG 2021 scheme
  • Energy
  • Germany
  • Feed in tariff, Sliding premium on top of the electricity price
  • € 33.1 bn
  • Four pilot sites in Greece, the Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland
  • Decentralised Energy
  • North Sea Region (NSR)
  • Buildings
  • EU
  • BATTERY 2030+
  • Battery Storage
  • caREL
  • Renewable Energy
  • Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Slovenia and Spain were selected as pilot countries
  • Offshore Renewable Energy
  • Netherlands
  • E-LAND
  • Decarbonisation
  • Islands; Piloting across Norway, Spain, Romania and India
  • Energy Transition
  • EUniversal
  • Energy markets
  • Portugal, Germany and Poland
  • € 10 Mn
  • Smart Grids
  • Norway
  • H2Haul
  • Hydrogen Transportation
  • Belgium
  • Hydrogen
  • Belgium
  • Energy Storage
  • France
  • Grid management
  • Spain
  • Green Hydrogen
  • France
  • Decarbonisation
  • Spain
  • Grid management
  • Spain
  • Decarbonisation
  • Germany
  • CSP
  • Denmark, France, Germany, Spain
  • € 5 Mn
  • QualDeEPC
  • Net Zero Buildings
  • Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Spain, Sweden
  • Energy Transition
  • Denmark, Greece, India, Spain, United Kingdom
  • "SFERA-III "
  • CSP
  • Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey
  • € 10 Mn
  • SocialRES
  • Social Innovation
  • Croatia, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom
  • Solar
  • Finland, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom
  • € 5 Mn
  • Solar
  • Demos in FR, BE and CH
  • € 8.3 Mn
  • Solar
  • Netherlands
  • € 1.1 Mn
  • Solar
  • Finland
  • € 5 Mn
  • PhotSol
  • Solar
  • Germany
  • € 0.2 Mn
  • "LEAP-RE "
  • Renewable Energy
  • France
  • € 30 Mn
  • "AURES II "
  • Renewable Energy
  • Germany
  • € 2.6 Mn
  • Energy Transition
  • Italy
  • € 140 Mn
  • France, Italy and other EU countries
  • € 75 Mn
  • Italy
  • € 140 Mn
  • Renewable Energy
  • Italy
  • € 40 Mn
  • Modernisation Fund
  • Energy Transition
  • Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia
  • € 643 Mn
  • TANGO: Italian PV Giga factory
  • Solar
  • Italy
  • € 592 Mn
  • SHARC: Sustainable Hydrogen and Recovery of Carbon
  • Green Hydrogen
  • Finland
  • € 89 Mn
  • EFSD Guarantee
  • Developing countries, LDCs and SIDS
  • Blended Finance and Guarantee instrument
  • "SIDS Lighthouses Initiative in 2014 2.0"
  • Renewable Energy
  • SIDS
  • Erasmus+
  • Education, training, youth and sport
  • Europe
  • € 26.2 bn
  • Global Environment Facility
  • Biodiversity, climate change, international waters, land degradation, persistent organic pollutants (POPs), mercury, sustainable forest management, food security, and sustainable cities
  • World
  • Grants, Blended Finance
  • $ 150 bn
  • Sustainable Energy for All
  • World
  • Lighting Africa
  • Energy Access
  • Africa
  • $ 14 Mn
  • "GEEREF NeXt (GCF FP038) (global)"
  • Energy
  • $ 265 Mn (total GCF grant + equity for 35 countries in Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean)
  • NAMA Facility
  • Climate Change Mitigation, Agriculture, Forestry
  • EU, Germany, UK, Denmark,
  • "Provisions: grants, concessional loans and technical assistance. "
  • Global climate partnership fund
  • Direct investments, Investments into financial institutions, Risk management, Concessional loans, Co-financing and Technical assistance.
  • £ 54 Mn
  • Green Climate Fund
  • Climate Adaptation, Mitigation
  • Developing countries
  • grants, contingent grants, concessional loans, equity, guarantees and results-based finance.
  • $ 10.1 billion
  • Energizing Development (EnDEV)
  • Rural electrification, clean cooking, energy access in healthcare and education, renewable energy technologies, private sector development
  • Africa, Asia and Latin America. EnDev has implemented projects and programs in more than 25 countries worldwide, including Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, Peru, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia, among others.
  • Results based lending facility
  • Universal Energy Facility (UEF)
  • SDG 7 goals
  • The UEF operates in countries with high levels of energy poverty and limited access to modern energy services, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.
  • Results based lending facility
  • Global Partnership for Results-based Approaches (GPRBA)
  • Health, Education, Energy and water and sanitation
  • The GPRBA has supported programs and initiatives in a variety of countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. As of 2020, the GPRBA had active projects in 36 countries, including Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Kenya, Myanmar, Nigeria, Peru, and Vietnam, among others.
  • Results based lending facility
  • Energy and Environment Partnership with the Mekong Region (EEP Mekong)
  • Clean energy and sustainable development
  • Cambodia, Loas, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam
  • Results based lending facility
  • € 48 Mn
  • Clean Cooking Fund
  • Clean cooking
  • World, Particular focus on Africa and Asia
  • Results based lending facility
  • Modern Cooking Facility for Africa (MCFA)
  • Clean cooking
  • the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
  • Results based lending facility
  • Beyond the Grid Fund for Africa (BGFA)
  • Off-grid solar
  • Africa
  • Results based lending facility
  • initial commitment of SEK 506 Mn (approximately $ 57 million) from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)
  • Fazer (Fund for Sustainable Access to Renewable Energy/Fundo de Acesso Sustentável às Energias Renováveis)
  • Renewable Energy
  • Brazil, Africa
  • Results based lending facility
  • European Fund for Strategic investments
  • The EFSI has also supported a wide range of projects across the EU, including infrastructure, research and innovation, energy, and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In particular, the fund has focused on supporting projects that are important for the EU's climate and environmental goals, such as renewable energy and energy efficiency.
  • Europe
  • Guarantees,
  • € 26 bn
  • Sustainable Energy fund for Africa
  • Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency
  • Africa
  • Technical Assistance, Concessionary investment
  • Africa Renewable Energy Fund
  • Solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal to generate electricity
  • Africa
  • Private Equity
  • Facility for Financial inclusion
  • Finance
  • Africa
  • The Electricity Sector Strengthening and Access Project (PARSE)
  • Central African republic, Nigeria
  • Grants, concessional loans
  • $ 138 Mn
  • Power Africa
  • Africa
  • $ 128 Mn in 2022
  • Scaling up RE program (SREP)
  • Renewable Energy
  • Developing countries
  • Concessional loans, grant
  • $ 8.3 bn
  • LIFE Programme (New LIFE Programme)
  • Climate, RE, EE, Transport
  • "The LIFE programme is a funding instrument of the European Union, and it is available to all EU Member States, as well as countries that are members of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the European Economic Area (EEA). The current eligible countries for the LIFE programme are: EU Member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden. EFTA/EEA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway. In addition, some third countries (i.e., countries that are not members of the EU, EFTA or EEA) may also participate in certain LIFE programme projects on a case-by-case basis, subject to specific conditions and requirements. It's worth noting that the LIFE programme primarily focuses on supporting environmental and climate action in the EU and EEA/EFTA countries. However, the programme also supports international cooperation projects, which can involve partners from outside these regions. "
  • € 5.4 bn (2021-2027)
  • Joint Research Centre
  • Research and Innovation
  • World
  • Research Grant
  • € 460 Mn (2021)
  • European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER)
  • Regulation
  • EU member states
  • Innovation Fund
  • Low Carbon Technologies
  • EU member states
  • € 10 billion
  • European Energy Research Alliance
  • Wind energy, solar energy, bioenergy, carbon capture and storage, and smart grids.
  • EU member states
  • European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan)
  • Low Carbon Technologies. It focuses on 17 key technology areas, including wind, solar, geothermal, bioenergy, hydrogen and fuel cells, and carbon capture and storage.
  • EU member states
  • "The budget for the SET Plan is mainly provided through the EU's research and innovation funding program, Horizon 2020, as well as through other EU programs such as the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) and the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF). In the period 2014-2020, the total budget for the SET Plan under Horizon 2020 was € 5.5 billion. In addition to the EU funding, participating member states also provide funding for the SET Plan through their national research and innovation programs. The exact amount of national funding provided by each member state varies depending on their individual budgetary allocations and priorities. Overall, the budget for the SET Plan is significant and reflects the EU's commitment to promoting the development and deployment of low-carbon energy technologies in Europe."
  • Clean Energy for All Europeans Package
  • Legislative, Regulatory
  • EU member states
  • It does not have a specific budget as it is a package of legislative proposals and communications aimed at updating and improving the EU's energy policies.
  • European Energy Union
  • Energy Strategy
  • EU member states
  • "The European Energy Union strategy does not have a specific budget allocation, as it encompasses a wide range of policies and initiatives across different sectors, such as energy, transport, and buildings. Instead, funding for the Energy Union is provided through a variety of EU programs, funds, and instruments. For example, the Horizon 2020 program provides funding for research and innovation in the energy sector, while the Connecting Europe Facility provides funding for the development of cross-border energy infrastructure. The European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund provide funding for energy efficiency measures in buildings, and the European Fund for Strategic Investments provides financing for sustainable infrastructure projects. In addition, the EU's Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) sets out the budget for the period 2021-2027, including funding for various programs and initiatives related to the Energy Union. The MFF includes a budget of €91.4 billion for the Horizon Europe program, which supports research and innovation in areas such as energy, transport, and climate change. It also includes a budget of €5.8 billion for the Connecting Europe Facility, which supports the development of energy infrastructure projects. Overall, while the European Energy Union strategy does not have a specific budget allocation, it is supported by a range of EU programs and funding sources aimed at achieving its objectives of secure, affordable, and sustainable energy for Europe."
  • European Battery Alliance
  • Energy Storage
  • EU member states
  • No specific budget
  • European Clean Hydrogen Alliance
  • Hydrogen
  • EU member states
  • European Climate Law
  • Climate
  • EU member states
  • No specific budget
  • Scaling Solar Program (World bank funded)
  • Solar projects
  • "The Scaling Solar Program has been successful in attracting private sector investment and delivering solar power projects in several countries, including Zambia, Senegal, Madagascar, and Uzbekistan. It has been praised for its innovative approach to reducing risks and costs for private investors and governments, as well as for its potential to help developing countries transition to low-carbon energy systems. Developing countries, "
  • Technical assistance, Guarantees
  • Finland-IFC Blended Finance Program
  • "The domain of the Finland-IFC Blended Finance Program is private sector development in developing countries. The program aims to support private sector projects that have the potential to promote sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction in low- and middle-income countries. The program's focus is on four key areas: renewable energy, financial inclusion, agribusiness, and forestry. However, the program is not limited to these sectors, and eligible projects can be in any sector that has the potential to promote sustainable economic development and poverty reduction. The program's approach is based on blended finance, which combines concessional financing from the government of Finland with commercial financing from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to support private sector projects. The program also provides technical assistance and advisory services to help companies improve their operations and become more sustainable."
  • "The geographic scope of the Finland-IFC Blended Finance Program is global, with a focus on developing countries. The program aims to support private sector development in low- and middle-income countries across Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The program has been implemented in several countries, including Kenya, Zambia, Myanmar, and Vietnam, and has supported projects in various sectors, such as renewable energy, financial inclusion, agribusiness, and forestry. However, the program is not limited to these countries or sectors, and eligible projects can be located in any developing country and in any sector that has the potential to promote sustainable economic development and poverty reduction. The program's global reach and focus on private sector development in developing countries reflect the international development goals of the government of Finland and the International Finance Corporation, which aim to promote sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction in low- and middle-income countries."
  • Debt, equity and guarantees
  • The program is funded through a combination of concessional financing from the government of Finland and commercial financing from the IFC. The exact amount of funding available for the program may vary depending on factors such as the government of Finland's budgetary allocations and the IFC's available resources.
  • Africa Clean Energy Programme
  • Support the development and implementation of renewable energy projects, including solar, wind, hydro, and biomass.
  • "The geographic scope of the Africa Clean Energy Programme (ACEP) is sub-Saharan Africa. The program focuses on promoting renewable energy solutions in 14 countries, including Burkina Faso, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. However, the program also provides technical assistance and support to other countries in sub-Saharan Africa that are interested in renewable energy development. ACEP works with governments, private sector actors, and other stakeholders to promote the deployment of renewable energy solutions, particularly in rural areas where access to modern and sustainable energy services is limited. The program supports a range of renewable energy technologies, including solar, wind, hydro, and biomass, with the aim of improving energy access and reducing greenhouse gas emissions."
  • European Green Deal
  • Climate
  • "The European Green Deal is primarily focused on the European Union and its member states, although it has implications and potential impacts beyond the EU's borders. The Green Deal is intended to be a comprehensive and integrated approach to addressing the environmental challenges facing the EU and the world, and it is aligned with international efforts to promote sustainability and combat climate change. While the Green Deal is focused primarily on the EU, it has the potential to influence and shape global environmental policies and standards. The EU is a major player in international climate and environmental negotiations, and its policies and initiatives often serve as a model and inspiration for other countries and regions. In addition, the Green Deal recognizes the need for a just and sustainable transition for all regions and communities, including those outside the EU. The Green Deal proposes to establish a Just Transition Mechanism to support the regions and communities most affected by the transition to a sustainable and low-carbon economy, and it seeks to promote sustainable development and environmental cooperation with its international partners. Overall, the geographic scope of the European Green Deal is primarily focused on the EU, but it also has broader implications and potential impacts for the world as a whole. "
  • "The European Commission has proposed a budget of € 1 trillion for the period from 2021 to 2027 to finance the Green Deal and related initiatives. This budget includes funding from different sources, such as the EU budget, the European Investment Bank (EIB), and private investment. The proposed budget is intended to support the implementation of a range of measures and initiatives, including: The European Climate Law, which aims to enshrine the EU's climate neutrality objective into law. The Just Transition Fund, which will support regions and communities that are heavily dependent on fossil fuels to transition to a sustainable and low-carbon economy. The Innovation Fund, which will support research and innovation in clean technologies and solutions. The Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism, which will provide funding for renewable energy projects. The Sustainable Europe Investment Plan, which aims to mobilize public and private investment in support of the Green Deal. Overall, the budget for the European Green Deal represents a significant commitment by the EU to address the urgent environmental challenges of our time and to build a sustainable and prosperous future for all. "
  • REPowerEU
  • Renewable Energy
  • Europe
  • € 210 bn, To support this, € 225 bn in loans were already available under the Recovery and Resilience Facility
  • ESFD+
  • Clean energy and transportation, green infrastructure and health.
  • Worldwide
  • "It is a comprehensive instrument that includes guarantees grants provided through ‘blending’ (a mix of EU grants with bank loans) technical assistance to help improve the quality of projects and the implementation of reforms other support tools to support the development of partner countries"
  • The investment framework also includes the External Action Guarantee and together, the two components deliver a firepower of € 54 billion for sustainable development. The External Action Guarantee has a capacity of € 130 bn to guarantee EFSD+ operations. Together with the private sector and thanks to the leverage effect, this may mobilise more than half a trillion euros in investments for 2021-2027.