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  • 2024 Governance Meetings

  • The International Solar Alliance (ISA) convenes its governance meetings annually at the Ministerial level, including the Assembly, meetings of the Standing Committee and Regional Committees. These meetings facilitate in-depth analysis and review of the ISA activities under the ISA strategic priorities through deliberations amongst its Member Countries.

  • The Standing Committee establishes the overarching agenda for the year, which is then deliberated upon in the Regional Committee Meetings with a regional context. The Assembly serves as the platform to collate and synthesise these deliberations, where the outcomes are presented for conclusive decisions.

The 2024 governance meetings will
focus broadly on the following:

  • 01

    Programmatic support to Member Countries through the ISA Programmes

  • 02

    ISA flagship initiatives: STAR-C, SolarX Startup Challenge, Global Solar Facility, ‘Solar for She’

  • 03

    Private Sector engagements

  • 04

    Country Partnership Framework

  • 05

    Work programme and Budget for 2024

  • 06

    Matters pertaining to the Secretariat

Schedule of ISA governance meetings for 2024

  • Seventh Session of the Assembly
  • 3 - 6 November, New Delhi
  • Tenth Meeting of the Standing Committee
  • 18 July , New Delhi
  • Eleventh Meeting of the Standing Committee
  • 24 September , New Delhi
  • Fifth Meeting of the Regional Committee for Europe and the Others Region
  • 11 - 13 June, Brussels
  • Sixth Meeting of the Regional Committee for Asia and the Pacific Region
  • 14 August , Virtual
  • Sixth Meeting of the Regional Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean Region
  • 9 - 11 September, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
  • Sixth Meeting of the Regional Committee for Africa Region
  • 27 - 29 August, Abidjan