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Scaling Solar
E-Mobility and Storage

To support the creation of an enabling ecosystem for large-scale uptake of solar energy in the E-Mobility sector & large-scale deployment of storage in ISA Member Countries.

Our Approach

Develop a knowledge portfolio for Member Countries that encompasses global best practices related to technological advancements, policy and regulatory guidelines, market potential, business models, and current challenges and opportunities. Additionally, conduct training workshops featuring experts from the EV, storage, and solar industries, utilities, regulators, and investors. Furthermore, prepare country-specific roadmaps for solar EV implementation and solar-integrated storage implementation for Member Countries.

Latest Achievements /Updates

Recent achievements and updates include the development of a readiness assessment for solar-powered electric mobility, encompassing marine mobility, aimed at creating an implementation framework for the International Solar Alliance's Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing states (SIDS). Additionally, efforts are underway to scale solar-integrated long-duration energy storage technologies (LDES) by developing an implementation roadmap and identifying project pipelines in developing nations. Furthermore, a prioritization framework for energy storage systems is being formulated to accelerate solar project deployment in least developed countries and small island developing states.

Training, Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing

A comprehensive report is being developed that includes global case studies and insights as well as policy and regulatory guidelines for energy storage systems. Another report is in progress, which focuses on evaluating technical design concepts for solar-powered EV charging stations, to plan a pilot implementation in a selected member country.

Success Stories

Sharing standards, guidelines, and best practices developed by ISA Member Countries among LDCs and SIDS Member Countries of ISA. Additionally, various activities like assessment of solar-powered E-mobility for LDCs and SIDS, Roadmap and project identification of Long-duration energy storage (LDES) in developing countries are under progress.