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Scaling Solar Rooftops

To promote, assess potential, harmonize demand, and pool resources for rapid deployment of and scaling up Rooftop Solar (Off-Grid and Grid Connected)

Our Approach

The program focuses on promoting the deployment of off-grid and grid-connected rooftop solar panels across member countries, with special emphasis on the Island States. It encourages applications in various sectors, such as government and institutional rooftops (including healthcare centers), commercial and industrial rooftops, and residential buildings. Capacity building and training of stakeholders are essential components of the initiative. The project also seeks to develop and adopt standard methodologies that enable effective rooftop solar policies and regulations. Furthermore, it includes facilitation for project implementation to ensure the successful deployment of rooftop solar systems.

Latest Achievements /Updates

The ISA has made significant strides in advancing its solar projects across Member Countries. EOIs from ISA member countries have been received to participate in the program. Currently, demonstration projects are underway in 13 countries, including the solarization of 9 healthcare facilities and 4 school/government buildings. Of these, 11 projects have already been commissioned. In Comoros, the rooftop site assessment for a project has been successfully completed, with the detailed project report (DPR) prepared and shared. In Bangladesh, a Project Feasibility Report (PFR) has been prepared for several solar rooftop projects in government buildings and healthcare facilities. Feasibility studies have also been conducted and pilot projects facilitated in Ethiopia and Sao Tome & Principe. Moreover, efforts are ongoing to develop bankable DPRs for rooftop sites in Sao Tome Principe, Fiji, Solomon Islands, RMI, Vanuatu, Nigeria, and Guinea. Additionally, the ISA is currently working on the ISA-ACI report for the development of a Handbook for the Solarization of the Aviation Sector. These initiatives underscore the ISA's commitment to promoting solar energy and sustainable development across its member countries.

Training, Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing

In the past year, significant strides have been made in advancing solar energy expertise and capabilities. We conducted technical training programs, successfully training 318 professionals. Additionally, we authored an E-handbook for Solar Rooftops, ensuring its distribution to all Municipal Corporations. Our initiative, Lighthouse, has been instrumental in sharing India's solar energy sector experience with African countries and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Furthermore, the IRENA SolarCity simulator has been an invaluable tool in our efforts to promote solar energy solutions globally. These efforts underscore our commitment to advancing sustainable energy practices and technology transfer worldwide.

Success Stories

Demonstration Projects for solarization of government buildings, healthcare facilities, and school buildings in the countries of Guyana, Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Uganda, Mauritius, Fiji, Comoros, Kiribati, and Malawi have been successfully commissioned. Various activities for implementing Pilot projects in Ethiopia & Sao Tome & Principe are underway.