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Solar for Green Hydrogen

To accelerate Green Hydrogen production and utilization in ISA Member Countries

Our Approach

Our approach is to develop a blueprint for member countries to produce and utilize green hydrogen. This includes preparing broad actionable plans to achieve our goals and country-specific implementable plans for the next 2-3 years. Additionally, we will establish a program evaluation mechanism and focus on capacity building and training for stakeholders. This will involve developing a GH2 fact-sheet portfolio hosted on the ISA website, covering technology, policy, regulatory matters, case studies, standards, guidelines, market, and business models. Furthermore, we will create a GH2 Readiness Level Assessment framework using screening parameters. Lastly, we will identify a pipeline of projects and business models to advance these efforts.

Latest Achievements /Updates

ISA has achieved several milestones in the field of green hydrogen. They prepared the Programme Initiation Document to outline sector-wide information. In April 2024, ISA joined the High-Powered Working Group (HPWG) on "Harnessing Green Hydrogen," initiated by the Construction Industry Development Council (CIDC) of the Government of India. ISA participated in the inaugural meeting of the HPWG and is establishing a Subgroup focused on 'Technologies for Storage, Transportation & Utilization of Green Hydrogen'. They conducted the Kick-Off meeting for the Green Hydrogen Innovation Centre (GHIC) Steering Committee in January 2024. They represented the ISA Panel at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in Peru in February 2024. ISA also presented on 'Standards and Regulations for Green Hydrogen' at the India Smart Utility Week (ISUW) in New Delhi in March 2024. Currently, ISA is actively working on several projects, including the preparation of a report on the readiness assessment of Green Hydrogen in African Countries, phase-2 of the ecosystem readiness assessment for the production and utilization of GH, enabling commercialization pathways for Green Hydrogen Use through the GHIC Start-up incubation platform, and the upgrade, operation, and maintenance of ISA Green Hydrogen Innovation Centre (GHIC) in Phase-2.

Training, Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing

The Africa Solar Hydrogen Project (ASHyP) project focuses on Solar2Hydrogen system design and its significant contribution to decarbonization efforts. A training session on Green Hydrogen was recently organized in partnership with the University of Moratuwa and Greenstat, Norway, during the ADB-ISA TA Workshop held in Sri Lanka. Plans are underway for the Green Hydrogen Policy Accelerator program, a week-long residential Certified Training Course scheduled for 2024, aimed at Africa and the Asia Pacific region. Additionally, discussions have begun for the ISA-INAE Seminar on Green Hydrogen, scheduled for April 2024 in New Delhi. Lastly, preparations are ongoing for the Asian Clean Energy Forum 2024 and the ISA-ADB Deep-Dive Workshop (DDW), Session 1, focused on the 'Green Hydrogen Innovation Centre', with the agenda set for June 2024 in Manila.

Success Stories

ISA’s Green Hydrogen Innovation Centre (GHIC) Portal was launched in the G20 Energy Transition Ministerial, Goa. This portal will support the production, utilization, and trade of green hydrogen besides providing a platform for knowledge sharing, and building competency in the green hydrogen value chain