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Solar Parks

To promote, assess potential, harmonize demand, and pool resources for the rapid development of large-scale Solar Projects under the Solar Park concept.

Our Approach

The ISA assists its Member Countries in formulating their Solar Roadmaps and provides essential support in drafting Policy and Regulatory Frameworks to achieve these roadmaps. ISA facilitates the expansion of the Solar Parks programme through voluntary participation from Member Countries, aiming to build capacity and establish institutional setups within each country to enable independent implementation of Solar Parks. The ISA Secretariat conducts country-level assessments to assist Member Countries in finalizing these parks. It prepares pre-feasibility reports by incorporating inputs from the countries or deploying experts. Upon project identification, the ISA Secretariat can arrange experienced Solar Project Management Consultants (PMC) to assist Member Countries in preparing feasibility reports, conducting site-specific studies, selecting Independent Power Producers (IPPs) for setting up Solar Parks, finalizing Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), concession agreements, and other related project implementation agreements, as well as overseeing project execution and commissioning.

Latest Achievements /Updates

Twenty Member Countries with a combined capacity of approximately 7.65 GW have joined this programme. Among these, 12 countries have appointed NTPC Ltd. as the Project Management Consultant (PMC) to develop bankable solar park projects with a total capacity of around 6.5 GW for Cuba (1,150 MW), Mali (500 MW), Niger (50 MW), Ethiopia (410 MW), Paraguay (500 MW), DR Congo (1,000 MW), Malawi (100 MW), Nicaragua (100 MW), Togo (285 MW), Venezuela (2,000 MW), Zambia (400 MW), and Guinea-Bissau (60 MW). In Cuba, bidding for the selection of solar developers is complete, and Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) negotiations are underway for the implementation of 360 MW. The Ethiopian government has approved the implementation of a 400 MW project, with the bidding process set to begin shortly. Additionally, a Floating Solar Project in Fiji is currently being assessed.

Training, Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing

ISA, in collaboration with the West African Power Pool (WAPP) and Grid India, organized three study tours in India for 60 professionals from the West African region. Additionally, ISA provided virtual training sessions for 461 professionals from 41 countries. Discussions are underway with the East African Power Pool (EAPP) and Grid India to organize three study tours in India for 60 participants from the East African region.

Success Stories

ISA has prepared a Preliminary Assessment Report for 32 Member Countries, with ongoing discussions with these respective countries. The preliminary assessment report for a floating solar PV project has been shared with Egypt. Namibia, Nigeria, and Peru have also received their respective preliminary country assessment reports. Moreover, a Project Feasibility Report (PFR) has been prepared for three floating solar projects in various locations in Bangladesh, collectively amounting to a total capacity of 50 MW.